Saturday, August 27, 2011

Chapter 4 : The News

10, 9,8,7....breathe Dan, breathe, 3,2,1. The place went deadly silent as the theme music came on queue. The lights came on and the signal was on.
"And we have a breaking news at this moment. We understand that the NDP candidate running for presidency, Mr.  Charles K. Takyi,  was in a road accident this afternoon. The incident happened at the Shangri-La traffic light, on the Liberty road. No one has been able to determine or explain how he got there and what he was doing there without his entourage. Witnesses say all they saw was someone pushing forward to beat the traffic light but before they realized he was in the middle of the road.
Because of the strange circumstances surrounding the incident many did not readily identify him to be the NDP candidate running for presidency save one lady by the name of Alberta Nti-Amoah who called in the ambulance. Further reports on his well-being  has been unclear as this has become a matter of national security. Any further news will be reported here so please make it a point to stay tuned. My name is Daniel Baffoe Barimah, and this has been Breaking News on the Go".
It was like this every time. Dan had been doing the breaking news for almost 2 years now but every single time his nerves got to him before he went on. The world of journalism out on the field was more invigorating but the desk job paid much better  plus he got to be famous through news delivery.
Because they had so little time for the breaking news to be read, not all the report on the accident was presented. He held the papers in his hand and started scanning through again, just to get a feel of how it would have been like to be there when it happened. It was one thrilling read with the account that the witnesses gave especially the collision of the trucks. It made him almost miss the field work.
That was it. He had made up his mind. After work, he was going to pass by the accident scene and see for himself the aftermath of the whole show. Knowing the Ghana police, they weren't going to clean up any time soon.
With that, the day went by pretty fast as mundane as it was. By 5 o'clock Dan was driving in the direction of the accident from GBC. Once he got there he parked at the hotel and crossed the street to the other side where the second truck that everyone was talking about had been lodged comfortably into the wall, the hero's truck, he called it.
5 years as a field reporter gave him the ability to visualize from report how things happen but being there, at the accident scene, he just couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to it. Obviously, how Mr. Takyi landed there was indeed a mystery and why no further reports were being given to the press was even more. It is politics after all but this 'politricks' really stank of something fishy.
Once he had had enough of the view Dan went back into his car. He sat in there pondering over what he had seen for almost 20 minutes before starting the vehicle. Before he even came to himself he found himself driving towards the 37 military hospital where Mr. Takyi had been taken. Yep, his field instincts had taken over.


  1. dude. i like this. the different angles u using to tell the story. but it will only work if u keep it up. so dont go taking another 3 months holiday u hear??

    expecting the continuation by friday.
    good one.

  2. lol, i'll do my best. oh wait, i just posted chapter 5. lemme know what you think
